Fast Tracking Digital Transformation: Getting Ahead in the Digital Age

Digital transformation continues to be a key topic for businesses in all industries. An increasing number of organizations are using digital transformation to modernize their operations and prepare for the future. This can involve the implementation of new technologies, business processes, or even organizational structures. 

There are numerous benefits from digital transformation, including improved efficiency, resiliency, and customer experiences. However, as with any major change initiative, it’s not easy to implement a successful digital transformation in your organization. You need to first understand where you currently stand and what changes you need to make (or adopt) to improve your organization. Then you need a plan on how to achieve those objectives while mitigating risk along the way.

Why Is Digital Transformation So Important?

Digital transformation is a key component of organizational transformation. Organizations of all types and sizes are seeing the benefits of transformation. There are many ways that businesses can benefit from transformation. First, transformation can help you to remain competitive in your industry. It can also help you to improve your efficiencies by leveraging new technologies. Finally, it can reduce costs. 

Some of the most significant benefits of digital transformation include: 

Improved customer experience – Transformation can improve the customer experience by integrating digital channels with back-end systems. This allows customers to receive personalized, consistent experiences across all channels. 

Improved efficiency – In many industries, the demand for services is growing. It’s common for organizations to see double-digit growth in the number of transactions performed. To keep up with this demand, businesses need to find ways to make their operations more efficient. Transformation provides an opportunity to do just that. 

Resiliency – Businesses need to be resilient to compete in today’s economy. Transformation can help businesses become more resilient by adopting new technologies that can withstand outages and other disruptions.

Identifying Objectives for Your Digital Transformation

The first step in fast tracking your digital transformation is to clearly define your objectives. Before you can adopt new technologies and processes, you need to know what you’re hoping to accomplish. This will help you to identify the areas where you need to make changes and determine exactly how you want to improve. 

Once you’ve clarified your objectives, you can begin to identify the key drivers behind those objectives. These drivers will help you to prioritize your transformation initiatives. There are several ways to go about identifying your objectives. Some common methodologies include:

SWOT analysis – This is a common approach that involves assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing your organization. You can use this information to help you identify your objectives. 

Gap analysis – This is a more structured approach that involves creating a series of “before” and “after” scenarios. By comparing the current state of your organization (“before”) to the future state you want it to achieve (“after”), you can identify the gaps in between. 

Transformation project road mapping – This is a more formal process that involves mapping out a detailed plan. A transformation project roadmap can help you to visualize the key milestones and dependencies associated with your transformation, as well as any risks associated with the initiative.

Determining What You Need to Change

Once you’ve identified your objectives, it’s time to start determining what you need to change in your organization. This involves mapping the current state of your business and the operations. This will help you to identify where and how you can improve. 

There are typically four areas that organizations look to transform during a digital transformation: 

Technology – You can use digital transformation to modernize your technology infrastructure. This might include investing in emerging technologies like AI/ML, blockchain, or software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. 

Business processes – Transformation can also help you to change how your organization is structured, including how you deliver products and services.

Culture – This can include the attitudes, behaviours, and mindsets of your employees. It also involves how your organization operates and the roles of key stakeholders. 

Organization structure – This involves how your employees are organized and how they interact with one another. It can also include the reporting structure.

Choosing the Right Technologies for your Digital Transformation

Once you’ve determined what you need to change in your organization, it’s time to select the right technologies to support your digital transformation. This includes determining which existing technologies you should keep and which ones you should replace. You can use a number of factors to help you make this decision, including: 

Cost – This includes both the start-up and ongoing costs associated with a given technology. 

Risk – This includes both the likelihood of success and potential impact of failure. 

Effectiveness – This refers to the amount of time it will take to implement a given technology and how well it will support your business objectives. 

Fit – This refers to how well a given technology aligns with the culture of your organization. In addition to these criteria, you also need to understand how each technology works and what it requires from your organization. This will help you to understand how each technology will fit into your organization and how it will support your transformation.


Digital transformation is a significant change initiative that can transform your entire business. It involves adopting new technologies and business processes to support a more digital-first approach. It can also help you to reduce costs and prepare for the future. 

There are numerous benefits from digital transformation, including improved efficiency, resiliency, and customer experiences. Before you can adopt new technologies and business processes, you need to first understand where you currently stand. Once you’ve identified your objectives, you can begin to determine what you need to change, and then you can select the right technologies for your digital transformation.

Here at Advesa, we are ready to help you with any questions about your Digital Transformation! We have a team of industry experts that want to see you succeed. Stepping up innovation through digital transformation has become a top priority for top leading companies in this ever-changing digital age. Contact us today!


Want to Hire a Digital Agency? – Here’s What to Expect?

When you’re ready to expand your digital presence and invest in marketing, it can be a little overwhelming. Do you hire an in-house team? Or do you contract with an outside agency? Maybe you manage the project yourself with the help of some resources and training. Either way, there are lots of considerations when hiring an outside digital marketing agency. 

Here are some things to think about before signing on that dotted line. Working with digital agencies has its pros and cons. It can be scary handing over control — but a good partnership will make your company stronger. Here’s what you need to know when hiring a digital marketing agency:  

Why You Need a Digital Marketing Agency

Marketing has always been a crucial part of any business. With the rise of online marketing, though, its importance has increased, as brands need to find new ways to reach their customers. And companies, especially small businesses with little marketing experience, often struggle to make the most of different marketing channels, such as social media and search engine optimization. 

By working with a digital marketing agency, you can tap into the expertise of a team that specializes in these channels. You can benefit from tailored marketing strategies that are designed to reach your ideal customers in the right way. But hiring a digital marketing specialist isn’t a decision you should make lightly. 

It’s important to select an agency that fits your brand and business goals. The last thing you want is to hire an agency that doesn’t understand your business or who your audience is. You need need to find what works.

A digital marketing agency will help you reach new customers, increase sales, and generate more leads. It’s a good idea to bring in an agency during your start-up phase, when you need as many leads as possible, or if you need help with restructuring your digital marketing efforts.

What To Look For When Hiring A Digital Marketing Agency

When you’re ready to hire an agency, you’ll want to be sure you’re selecting the best one for your business. Find one your business connects with. Here are some things to keep in mind while looking for agencies. Ask yourself these questions when considering a digital agency: 

Experience and track record: Does the agency have experience working with businesses similar to yours? How long have they been in business? 

Company culture and team: Is the company culture one you want to be a part of? Do you feel comfortable with the team? Do they have the right skills and experience to deliver the work? 

Proposal: What services do they offer? Do they have a proposal for the work? What does it cost? 

References: Do they have references you can speak to? 

Scope and expectations: What is the project scope? What is each of your company’s goals? Do you have a budget? How long do you expect the project to take? Do you have a marketing plan? 

The Benefits of a Digital Marketing Agency

There are many benefits of working with a creative digital agency, including:

Expertise: Digital marketing agencies have experience and knowledge in the latest digital marketing strategies. You likely don’t have the expertise or time to learn everything you need to know about online marketing. Working with an agency gives you access to the knowledge and expertise you need.

Customization: If you decide to do your own digital marketing, you’ll most likely need to use a combination of different strategies. You might not be using the ideal mix of services for your business. A digital marketing agency will be able to recommend a specific combination of services based on your business goals and current situation. 

Focus: Starting a business is challenging enough without having to worry about digital marketing, too. It can take you months to learn all you need to know about the best strategies for your industry. An agency can work with you to create an effective digital marketing strategy while you focus on other important aspects of your business, such as product development.

Final Thoughts

The digital landscape is constantly changing, and businesses need to change with it if they want to remain competitive. In the past, marketing was all about word of mouth and local advertisements. Nowadays, it’s all about online presence.  

The right combination of digital marketing services can help you thrive online and reach a wider audience. Investing in a reputable digital marketing agency can be the key to unlocking new opportunities for your business.

Hiring and working with a digital marketing agency can be daunting. It’s a lot of work and requires a significant time investment. Working with an agency can also be scary because you hand over control. That’s why it’s important to find a good fit with the agency. 

By following these tips, you can find the right agency for your needs. If you are interested in working with a digital marketing agency Advesa is here to help. We have a full team of digital marketing experts that are ready to help you. Contact us today to find out how we can be a good fit. 


What Businesses Get Wrong About Digital Marketing

Today’s digital landscape is fast-paced, ever-changing and saturated with content. Your target audience is scattered across various social media channels, online communities, blogs and forums— all waiting to be engaged with relevant and useful information. Not to mention various trends are always appearing. 

So how do you break through the noise and reach your target market? It all starts with an effective digital marketing campaign that aligns directly with your business goals. 

But for many businesses, this can feel like a tricky proposition. After all, it’s not your typical 9-to-5 job where you can simply clock in and check out at the end of the day. Instead, it’s an ongoing process that requires dedication, creativity and imagination to continually produce new content as well as fresh strategies to reach new audiences.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the utilization of various online channels to build, engage and retain your audience. It’s a strategic marketing approach that uses various channels and techniques to drive your company’s goals (i.e. sales, leads, brand awareness). Some of the techniques associated with digital marketing is a social media marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing and mobile marketing

Online marketing is a highly effective way to reach your target audience; however, it’s important to understand that not all digital channels are created equal. In fact, not all digital marketing strategies actually fall under the “digital marketing” umbrella.

Mistakes Businesses Make with Digital Marketing

For those getting started with their digital marketing work, there are a few common pitfalls that can easily derail your efforts. If you’re guilty of any of the following, it’s time to make some changes. 

You’re not creating enough content: From blog posts to webinars to podcasts, there are many types of digital content that can help establish your brand, drive qualified leads, and ultimately increase sales. Unfortunately, not all companies are producing enough content to stay relevant, attract their target audience and truly benefit their business. 

You’re not measuring your success: Although it’s important to create digital content, it’s even more important to measure the success of that content. 

Unfortunately, many companies spend time and money creating content without truly understanding if that content is having a positive impact on their business. Without measuring the success of your digital content, it’s nearly impossible to know if you’re getting a return on your investment. 

You’re not reinvesting in your efforts: Once you’ve built up a nice little nest egg of leads, it’s important to reinvest in those leads. However, for many businesses, this is easier said than done. If you wait too long to reinvest in your efforts, your leads will lose interest in your product or service and move on to something else.

What’s the Problem with Digital Marketing?

A quick Google search will reveal that many companies struggle with digital marketing, often reporting that it’s too time-consuming and costly. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of digital marketing options out there, you’re certainly not alone. 

There are so many tools, strategies and tactics to choose from— how do you know which ones to focus on? What’s the best way to organize your digital marketing efforts? As you sort through your options, you can expect to run into a few challenges along the way. 

For example, your team may lack the necessary experience and expertise to implement effective digital marketing channels. Alternatively, you may be unclear about your business goals and how digital marketing can help you achieve them. Not knowing answers to these questions will cause problems done the road. 

How to Fix Your Digital Marketing Woes?

One of the best ways to start making progress with your digital marketing tactics is to first identify your challenges. Once you’ve identified your challenges, get creative and think about how you can overcome them. For example, if you’ve got a team that lacks the necessary experience and expertise, you may want to consider hiring a digital marketing agency.

This can be a great way to get your team trained and up to speed on the latest digital marketing strategies. To get a better handle on your business goals and how digital marketing can help you achieve them, conduct some digital marketing goal setting. This can help you clarify your objectives and come up with strategies that can move the needle

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself when setting your digital marketing goals. – What are your company’s core values? What are your company’s strengths? – What are the challenges your customers are facing? – What are the goals of your marketing team? – What are the goals of your sales team. 

Bottom line

As with most things in life, the best way to succeed at digital marketing is to just get started. If you’re guilty of any of the challenges discussed above, take note and get ready to make some adjustments. Remember, no one gets through life without learning a few (or many) lessons along the way. It’s up to you to learn from your mistakes and make the necessary adjustments to succeed where you’ve failed before.

Instead of making mistakes and missing those ever-important marketing goals, Advesa can take the lead for your marketing. We have a full team of marketing efforts that can put your business on the map and have you not worry about the stress of running campaigns. Contact us today to set up a consultation


What is Digital Transformation and How Can it Improve Your Business?

Digital transformation is the process of reimagining business through digital technologies. Companies have been aware of digital transformation for years and have been trying to dig into it. However, in the past few years, this strategy has received a lot of light as businesses begin to see its potential.

Digital transformation may sound like another buzzword, but it’s not just a new trend; it’s a change that can help companies stay relevant in today’s world. In this blog post, we will explain what digital transformation is and how it can improve your business. If you’re ready to learn more about digital transformation and how you can leverage these strategies to grow your business, read on! 

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is the process of reimagining business through digital technologies. It’s a change in the way companies do business using digital tools, software, and an integrated technology approach. A digital transformation strategy is a lot more than just adding a few new tools to your business. It’s about changing your entire business model to take advantage of new technologies that have the potential to improve your business in many ways. 

Digital transformation efforts aren’t just about adding new technologies to your business. It’s about rethinking how your entire business works and how you can deliver your products and services in a better way. It can actually help you achieve a lot more than just adding a few new technologies to your business. It can help you improve customer engagement, increase productivity, and grow your revenue.

How Can Digital Transformation Benefit Your Business?

There are many ways that digital transformation strategies can benefit your business. If we look at the year 2020 with COVID, brick-and-mortar stores had to close, but online businesses could still operate. Bringing your business online is now a necessity for long-term growth. But digital transformation isn’t just about operating online, it’s about using digital solutions for your business. Here are some benefits of using technology.

Customer Engagement:

As customers become more digitally savvy, it’s important that you meet them where they are. By investing in the digital transformation journey, you’re helping to transform your business to meet your customers where they are. 

By integrating digital technologies into your business processes, you can provide customers with better self-service capabilities, which can help you resolve issues more quickly. You can also use these technologies to provide your customers with more personalized and relevant experiences. 

This can help you retain customers by keeping them happy and satisfied. Digital transformation can also help you improve your customer acquisition process by investing in new technologies and marketing campaigns that meet your customers where they are.

Digital Productivity:

With the rise of various digital technologies and digital businesses, you can enhance your productivity by making your work processes more efficient and automated. You can also make your business more agile by integrating business processes across departments, teams, and geographies

Digital transformation can help you improve your operational and capital efficiency by enabling your business processes with automation and business insights, making your operations more predictable.

Improved Growth:

Keep up with the rapid pace of technology. Never let it impact your business or slow you down. You’ll be able to adapt quickly and smoothly to the digital age business models.

Digital transformation is happening in almost every industry and customers are expecting the change. Businesses need to adapt to an online mindset in order to keep up with the competition and continue to grow.

The role and impact of digital transformation are growing. The digitalization strategy is a key component for ensuring the best value to customers while improving cost-effectiveness, innovation and differentiation.

Those transforming industries that have been in the business environment are now turning their attention toward digital transformation. They’ll impact the entire industry faster than we ever saw.

Why Do Organizations Struggle with Digital Transformation?

Although there are many benefits to digital transformation strategies, many organizations struggle with the process. Three main issues that organizations face when trying to implement a digital transformation process are the inability to prioritize transformation activities, the lack of understanding of how the transformation will generate value, and a lack of resources to implement transformation projects. 

Organizations struggle to prioritize transformation activities because they are unclear about what digital transformation means for their business. They may also have a misconception that transformation is a very long and expensive process with digital technologies

When organizations don’t understand how the transformation will generate value for the business, they have a hard time convincing stakeholders to invest in the initiative. This may be due to a lack of communication about the business benefits that digital transformation is expected to deliver. 

Finally, organizations have a hard time implementing transformation projects because they don’t have the necessary resources. This may be due to a lack of resources in the organization (or a lack of prioritization of transformation projects). Your digital transformation efforts need to take action to ensure the business processes will thrive.

3 Steps to Achieve Digital Transformation Strategy Success

If you want to achieve digital transformation efforts with success, it’s important that you follow a strategic approach to make sure your organization is prepared for this change. If you follow these three steps, you can be sure that your organization is ready for digital transformation initiatives. 

Identify areas of opportunity – Before you can dive into the transformation journey, you need to understand where you are now and how you can improve your business with digital transformation. To do this, you need to conduct a business analysis and create a Digital Transformation Roadmap. This roadmap should include your organization’s current state, areas for improvement, and your transformation strategy. 

Map your transformation journey – Once you’ve identified the areas where you can improve your business with digital transformations, you need to map out your transformation journey. It’s not necessarily creating new business models. It’s about improving the existing model. During this step, you should define the transformation approach and identify the key project stakeholders. You also want to create a budget and schedule for your transformation journey. This will help you stay focused and on track with your transformation projects. 

Build your transformation capability – Once you’ve mapped out your transformation journey, you need to build your transformation capability. This means you have to make sure your organization is ready for digital transformation. 

You can achieve this by making sure the organization’s digital transformation strategy is part of the culture. You also want to make sure that digital transformation projects are prioritized, and that your team has the necessary skills and resources.

Other Operations for Creating a Digital Transformation

The Government of Canada has created the CDAP. The Canada Digital Adoption Plan (CDAP) is an initiative that is intended to help small and medium-sized businesses boost their e-commerce presence, and run their businesses more effectively through digital technology. 

The first step in the CDAP  transformation is hiring an advisor to walk you through the process and build it. Costs will vary depending on each business. The CDAP will offer a grant of $15,00 to help with hiring an advisor.  

Here at Advesa, we are ready to help you with any questions you have about CDAP along with helping you with your Digital Transformation! We have a team of industry experts that want to see you succeed. Stepping up innovation through digital transformation has become a top priority for top leading companies in this ever-changing digital age. Contact us today!


Five eCommerce Trends to Watch in 2022

From consumer electronics to groceries and everything in between, eCommerce and its the convenience have become a mainstay in society.

Where large retailers and big brands once dominated, eCommerce has levelled the playing field by providing businesses both small and large with a direct-to-consumer business model that both companies and consumers have embraced. COVID-19 has caused a paradigm shift in how business is conducted, and even large MNCs have to pivot to adapt to new eCommerce trends, especially in 2022.

Whether your business is fledging or thriving, here are the five major upcoming eCommerce trends to watch for in 2022 to keep your business growing and your customers smiling.

Five eCommerce Trends to Watch For in 2022

Headless Commerce

Traditionally, eCommerce has operated through an integrated system where its customer-centric ‘front-end’ is indistinguishable from its developer-controlled ‘back-end.’ In other words, any changes to the online storefront that your customers interact with requires subsequent changes to the libraries of code and scripts in the databases that keeps the store running.

The traditional eCommerce model isn’t inherently bad – eCommerce solutions such as WordPress and WooCommerce make it easy for anyone to launch an online store. Offering customizability, convenience and simplicity all in one package, traditional eCommerce platforms are incredibly popular and are the solution of choice for businesses both small and large.

However, the traditional model does come with limitations.

First of all, their rigid structure permits flexibility and customization, but only within their own strict parameters. Secondly, changes to the front-end have to be reconciled with the back-end, making it difficult to pivot at a moment’s notice. Thirdly, creating new services and integrations requires a complete overhaul of the system instead of modular adjustments.

In contrast with this traditional approach, headless commerce decouples the front-end from the back-end through APIs and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. This separation allows businesses to adapt and customize their digital experiences as freely as they wish across all of their marketing and sales channels.

Headless commerce offers magnitudes more flexibility, agility and customizability than traditional eCommerce platforms. In an increasingly digital-first world, being able to adapt and pivot at a moment’s notice to meet customers’ demands isn’t just important; it’s essential.

Changing Fulfillment Demands

same day delivery shipping

With the likes of Amazon and other large retailers offering near-instantaneous gratification, customer expectations regarding fulfillment demands have changed. Today, more than 80% of shoppers already expect same-day delivery, with another 61% expecting their packages to arrive within one to three hours of placing their order.  

While supply chains are evolving to meet these new demands, the retail landscape is also changing in the wake of new customer expectations. Brick-and-mortar stores are falling to the wayside, and hybrid retail experiences have taken their place. So-called dark stores, in particular, are of exceptionally high desirability.

Hybrid retail stores, also known as dark stores, are retail stores that operate as a quasi brick-and-mortar storefronts while also offering additional fulfillment options through curbside and in-store pickup. Large vendors such as Whole Foods and Bed Bath & Beyond have already embraced the concept in a bid to turn their fulfillment experiences into competitive advantages.

While not every organization can hope to achieve the same level of supply chain cohesion as Amazon, businesses rise to the challenge of increasing consumer fulfillment demands if they want to stay competitive.

Contextual and Data-First Marketing

As retail storefronts fall out of vogue in lieu of online shopping, businesses have come to increasingly rely on search engine traffic and SEO efforts to attract and compete for new customers.

Previously, eCommerce advertisers and marketers have depended on the plethora of third-party cookies to plan and execute their marketing strategies. However, with Google’s recent ban on third-party cookies, businesses must return to the basics with their data strategy and use their own customer information to lead their campaigns.

Implementing a first-party data strategy instead of relying on third-party information collected through cookies is a media challenge that many organizations face moving forward into 2022. However, keyword targeting paid search campaigns and contextual marketing are all strategies that have worked well in the past. With that being said, the onus is on marketers to deliver the right messaging in the right place and at the right time.

Social Commerce

ecommerce trends social media

Out of a global population of 7.87 billion people, 56.8% use social networks regardless of their age or level of internet access, which is a statistic that retailers have not ignored in the pursuit of promoting their goods and services.

Today, many social platforms also offer social commerce functionality, allowing retailers to market and sell their products on social apps without requiring the customer to leave the platform itself.

Online social commerce platforms such as Facebook Shops, Instagram Shopping and even live shopping on live streaming platforms have made it easier for brands and influencers alike to demonstrate the advantages and functionalities of their products in a live, real-world setting. Influencer marketing, in particular, has seen a meteoric rise in use and popularity as millions of users flock to the likes of TikTok and Snapchat for their content, proving that social media is one sales channel that businesses can’t ignore.

Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and augmented reality are new technologies, but they’re already being deployed with great success in many retail environments.

Augmented technologies such as holographic displays, virtual show rooms and augmented lenses are already helping customers interact with brands and their products without having any of them step into a physical store. Some SaaS companies, such as Shopify, have implemented AR into their suite of products, with their own data finding that products with AR content had a 94% higher conversion rate than products without augmented reality.

Other businesses, such as live chat platforms and CRMs, are utilizing artificial intelligence to automate business processes, improve customer service and improve their marketing. Artificial intelligence can be utilized to proactively engage customers to reduce cart abandonment rates, lower bounce rates and predict inventory move rates.

No matter their function, AR and AI are already helping companies lower their business costs while improving the customer experience. By 2022, an expected 25% of businesses will launch AR, with another 70% beginning to experiment with it. You can stay ahead of the curve by experimenting with smaller AI and AR technologies such as personalized recommendation engines and AR experiences for smaller products.


Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

All effective marketing plans begin with a simple objective. These objectives support your marketing strategies. Deciding on a traditional and digital marketing strategy based on your goals isn’t an easy one. Companies can spend a good portion of their budget creating a good marketing strategy.

Before choosing a strategy it’s important to understand the types of marketing channels you can use and the ideal one that suits your business. In this article, we’ll break down the two most popular marketing strategies that you should be aware of and understand.

What’s the Difference Between Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing?

Digital versus traditional marketing focuses most heavily on how people perceive and experience their advertising message. While traditional marketing uses traditional media like magazines and newspapers, digital marketing utilizes digital media including social media marketing and anything else online.

Traditional advertising plays a significant part in people’s lives. The impactful television advertisement’s immersive experience and its tactile content are still relevant to people today because of lasting memories. It can still be relevant. However, in the age of the internet, it’s important to understand the reach digital marketing can bring to a global or local audience.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Your digital marketing strategy is much more focused on getting people who need you for their specific needs. We call this pull marketing, meaning you’re here when someone searches on their phone or laptop or just scrolls down their Facebook newsfeed. This becomes especially important with the growth of social media marketing as it plays an important role in digital marketing. Of course, there are so many other channels of marketing! There are numerous benefits to digital marketing. Here are some below.

Budgets are easier to redistribute

The digital budget can be seen in many ways as a placeholder. You could spend $500 a month running Facebook ads and branding, but find out that these marketing efforts perform under expectations. So seeing this immediately pauses your campaign. You can pause and start your campaigns as you wish.

A/B testing timeline is greatly reduced

Digital marketing budgets are flexible as the test process allows the easy identification of the best performers. Budgets can shift from the non-performing campaign towards the well-funded campaign. An underperforming campaign can be stopped as a result of a company examining if there needs any improvements. Unlike conventional advertising, it takes weeks to finish analyzing data, and that might stretch to months. This is the same for television, newspaper, radio and print media.

Decision-making & accountability move to the front line

Digital marketing empowers the employee in the organization to act when needed. With multiple campaigns being conducted simultaneously, leadership has no time to respond and micromanage each. The leadership should monitor campaigns with data analytics and reports regularly.

Reach a bigger audience quicker and faster – More targeted customers

Digital marketing efforts don’t have to be tailored to one specific country, city or even location. The campaigns can reach a global scale relatively quickly if you’re looking to expand your message outside your network. The same can be said for targeted campaigns. Digital marketing allows you to get specific about who you want to reach across any digital channel.

Advantages of Traditional Marketing

When we talk about traditional marketing channels, we are referring to activities that existed prior to the internet. Marketing ‘invades’ the target audience. The “culprits”: Television, newspaper, billboards, radio, booklets, posters etc. This is their main characteristic. Advertising across this platform aims to reach the target audience.

Tangible promotional materials last forever

Traditional marketing materials, including brochures, flyers or other materials. They last forever in the world. The costs can be brought down as long as your marketing materials stay intact.

Traditional marketing is still the best way to reach a mature demographic.

Traditional marketing channels to older consumers is largely different in terms of the age of the population than to the Z generation. The over 65 population generally doesn’t use the internet so can’t easily reach it via mobile devices or laptops.

Hard Copy Marketing Materials are easier to Remember

Although most people read on screens, we find paper a good way to process and recall a read. Neuroscientists overwhelmingly agree with this. One study measured how easy it was for someone to understand ad messages on paper and on digital media. They found it was easier to recall paper media.

Choosing Digital Marketing or Traditional Marketing

Although an effective marketing strategy is vital, it is equally important to use it correctly and maximize its potential. How do I decide between traditional marketing and digital marketing? For a lot of companies, the decision to make a marketing decision may be difficult decision but can have a significant impact on its effectiveness. How to distinguish between digital and conventional? Businesses will be able to determine how to apply marketing strategies and how to apply them effectively.

How do you decide between digital marketing channels and an established marketing strategy? Why should marketing professionals continue using the traditional method of marketing? All these questions can be important to ask yourself when talking about digital marketing vs traditional marketing.

It’s Not Digital Marketing Versus Traditional Marketing – It’s Digital AND Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing plays an important part in marketing strategies. But to achieve better results, it is important to pair this campaign with selected high-quality online campaigns. This is one way to diversify your marketing investment by minimizing any single source of leads that might disappear after you wake up tomorrow.

Digital marketing and traditional marketing can both play an important role to reach your target audience. Both should be considered when understanding the goals of your marketing strategies whether that’s online marketing or traditional methods. Advesa is ready to meet your needs for digital marketing. We have a team ready to work with you. Contact us today to get started.


What is a Marketing Strategy?

It’s essential that any business develops an excellent marketing strategy. Without focus, you can’t accomplish the desired goal or objectives you had set. Marketing efforts need to be thought out. Marketing isn’t just another activity. It consists of various parts needed during the entire course of business endeavors from the time the first sale was done up to the end. There are strategies for campaigns that we need to analyze so it is imperative that we develop a strategic plan.

A marketing strategy is essentially a business strategy that helps to reach potential clients for their products and services and convert them into customers.

Generally, it is related to the company’s value proposition, the data for the target demographic of the consumer, and some other important factors that will touch on below. Effective marketing strategies integrate all aspects of the customer journey with visibility across the departments.

Marketing Strategies vs. Marketing Plans vs. Marketing Tactics

Although marketing strategies may appear fairly simple, there are many confusions about marketing strategies and marketing tactics. Although each marketing initiative works in tandem, its different aspects should never overlap and should only be used in conjunction. It’s the reason successful marketing strategies work well.

Marketing strategies

A marketing plan appears to have very similar characteristics to the overall marketing plan. Nevertheless, the plans will focus more specifically on certain areas within the marketing plan. If an organization is promoting products or services, it might be appropriate to use email as a tool for this purpose. Each marketing plan may contain multiple marketing strategies that form a larger plan. It’s important to understand market research regardless of what stage you are at in your strategy.

Marketing tactics

Marketing tactic aims to outline how to do it. In this case, the marketing tactic will focus primarily on creating awareness and increasing sales for the product. These marketing tactics outline what you will be doing for marketing purposes. Good marketing tactics will give you a sustainable competitive advantage.

Marketing plan

Marketing plans are based on your marketing efforts. This should include the campaign you intend for a specific period, your goal, and objectives for the whole project. Identifying goals and targets is important to include in your plan. You need to know the objectives you’re trying to reach.

Types of Marketing Strategies

Let’s get to know the different types of marketing strategies for your company. There are various marketing strategies that will suit your specific needs. Some of the most effective marketing strategies will include a number of types. Of course, this list is only a few of the more popular marketing strategies. However, they all understand key brand messaging, target market and market research.

Inbound marketing strategy

Inbound marketing involves attracting customers to the website. Instead of relying heavily upon invasive marketing techniques like TV advertisements, you are getting leads by contacting the people who want to buy your business. Email Marketing is another example of inbound marketing. If anyone subscribes to your mailing list, they will probably be interested in what your message says. This allows you to use a softer approach to your marketing because they already have a higher chance of becoming a customer.

Internal marketing strategy

Although internal marketing is less critical for small businesses, it may also be important in large corporations. An effective internal marketing strategy could be an internal e-mail telling the employee if their company wants to become a shareholder in an initiative or asking current shareholders to support the initiative. Internal marketing can include even mundane matters, including keeping staff informed of changes in company branding and internal procedures.

SEO strategy

SEO should be integrated into the marketing strategy. Despite the benefits of having your marketing focused on SEO, it’s likely your main source of lead generation. SEO or search engine optimization is the methods that you use in your search engines. It should be a key component of your content marketing strategy.

Content marketing strategy

Content marketing strategies may overlap in terms of inbound marketability and may be less specific. Content marketing is the process of creating content that attracts people to your website. This may cover your blogs or white papers as well as your social marketing efforts. Any part of a campaign where the need for content is required requires a content marketing strategy.

Digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing can be a complicated process. The marketing plan consists of all aspects of your online marketing strategy. It is effective when you use online marketing. A digital marketing strategy refers to the importance of materials online. It could be through various channels such as SEO, social media platforms, advertising, and content marketing.

Tips For Your Marketing Strategy

The right marketing strategy will reach your target audience, ranging from people never aware to active customers. Developing a successful marketing strategy is an important step for any business out there. Of course, always do your research and be mindful of your marketing budget.

Bring it to execute

Your marketing plan can help with identifying where your strategy should be executed. The final steps are to bring everything together. Organize a document that describes what steps to take when executing a campaign. Identify the plan. Make long-term planning a priority. Standard documental marketing strategy last 12 months. Ideally, these timelines are your starting points for strategic marketing.

Create buyer personas

Telling a single story is possible. The buyer persona is the picture of an ideal consumer. Buyers’ personas include demographic and psychographic info – age, occupation titles, income, place of work interest, and challenges.

Select the appropriate tools

Once your objectives are mapped out, ensure that your goals can be measured. Online applications, such as social networking scheduling apps, provide you with analytics that helps you monitor how your audience is viewed.

Identify your goals

Your marketing strategies must be aligned with your business goals. Marketing targets could include increasing brand visibility and generating quality leads. You can also increase your customer value by becoming a thought leader. Whatever is your marketing strategy, determine how it can help you achieve it in a few months to a year!

Advesa can help meet the needs of your marketing strategy. We are a full team of experts in digital marketing ready to help you succeed in the online space. Contact us today to get started!


What are CRM Tools?

Using customer relationship management tools can be an asset to any business. Anyone looking to improve sales, customer relationships, and organizing data is the perfect target for a CRM tool. Of course, CRM tools fall under the category of customer relationship management software.

In this article, we’ll break down what CRM is about and what is CRM software so you can make an informed decision about using your own customer relationship management tools.

What is CRM?

CRM software helps to integrate customer communications between businesses. Customer service is the key to business success.

Using CRM applications businesses can monitor and optimize customer interaction along with other interactions through the business process in varying departments. It can a key feature to use data across all employees.

Customer relationship management software does a lot more than just handle customer data. CRM systems can improve the customer journey and customer interaction. It can also help with sales and marketing automation, contact management, and overall business processes. CRM software also makes an effort to provide a piece to an omnichannel approach creating a seamless process across all platforms. CRM is one of the top business management softwares out there.

What is a CRM tool?

CRM systems help a business flow better. Every department from sales, customer service, marketing, human resources and anything else will benefit from using CRM software. These customer relationship management tools are the backbone of any CRM software. The customer relationship management tool can help you store customer data, record support tickets, and marketing information. It also goes much further when it comes to sharing data across all employees.

The easier it is to store customer data with customer relationship management tools companies can interact with customers better along with increasing transparency. Whether you are a small company or a large company you can improve with CRM tools. It allows your company to have access to the information easier and also store the information in an organized way.

The Different Types of CRM Software

CRM software has numerous options, as shown above. Some CRM programs will have a functional focus, and knowing the specific needs of your company will assist in choosing the best fit. CRM software can be broken down into 3 main systems. Each of these systems will have its benefits of different CRM tools being used.

Collaborative CRM

CRM software works collaboratively to make the customer happy. They aim at improving customer retention and satisfaction levels by simplifying communication among team members. This type of platform combines customer service and marketing to unify communications and personalize interactions with customers, vendors and external users. Collaborative CRM is all about customer interactions and customer data.

Analytical CRM

Analytic CRM software is often targeted at organizations interested in data analysis. These software applications are geared to monitor customer retention rates and pipeline cycle timescales. These services go beyond purely contact management, providing sales forecasting and sophisticated metrics to data-centered businesses.

Operational CRM

Operations CRM solutions are aimed at managing businesses and have a focus on sales automation. This software focuses on contacts management, lead scores, marketing lead management and campaign tracking and can help companies enhance their operation efficiency by adding additional functionality.

Choosing CRM Tools for Your Business

CRM software can be an expensive investment but remember that the low-priced ones do not guarantee the maximum value for money. Doing your research about the CRM systems and in your business will help you determine what you need.

Another point to mention is a CRM tool can be complicated. You want your new tools to be easy to use. Remember it should improve workflow, not the other way around. Of course, learning any new software will take time, so it’s important to spend the time focusing on whatever CRM tools you decide to work with. Here are some lasting points to look for when choosing your CRM software tools.

Mobile and cloud CRM applications

Nearly every CRM solution provides mobile CRM and Cloud CRM software which are accessible from anywhere. The latest data show that CRM applications using mobile technology are nearly 3-fold as effective as the software used on the non-mobile CRM system. Mobile and cloud-based tools provide teams with unified processes, workflows and tracking, accessible anytime, anywhere in the world.

A user-friendly CRM dashboard

Your CRM dashboard will provide you with an interactive visual interface your staff sees daily. So when integrating CRM, you should ensure that you can easily and effectively configure the CRM application with the right tools and functions. Any project goal or process should have a CRM dashboard that provides CRM software. The customizable dashboard ensures no data is overload. Make your business life easier with a CRM intuitive dashboard.

Pipeline coordination and automation

In fact, CRMs are often regarded as a powerful tool in the process of increasing sales pipeline productivity. Using streamlined CRM sales processes, a CRM tool can: After all—bells and whistles have no impact unless your players understand it.

Data-driven CRM reports

CRMs are useful tools for analyzing sales and advertising data. By automatically creating valuable CRM report formats, you can easily understand your sales and marketing activities.

It’s your turn to make the effort and find which CRM tool is right for you. Using customer relationship management tools is a great way to optimize your business and have a better workflow. Remember you’re CRM software should improve your work, not the other way around. Keep things simple!


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