03. The online marketplace has rapidly evolved to keep up with the ever-increasing demand from stay-at-home consumers. The result is a more refined, hassle-free flower gift delivery for the customer, which leads to more comparison shopping and more educated decisions. Gone were the days when customers had to place orders for flowers a week or two in advance. With an automated operation system, stock management becomes more consistent and seamless, leading to a speedy delivery process. Companies are falling over themselves to find the fastest, cheapest route for their goods to get to the customers’ doors.
Subscription services are growing consistently due to technological changes in retail, aggressive brand-building strategies, and the element of surprise attached to the subscriptions. These services are ideal for consumers as they simply choose their preferred flowers and frequency of delivery, then have them brought to their doorsteps. With convenience brought about by technological advancements, the worldwide market for Gifts and Flower is expected to grow roughly 6,3% over the next five years, reaching $57.4 Billion USD in 2024.
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